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Hello, My name is Paul Taylor Novay and I am a Tai Chi teacher in Little Rock, Arkansas and I have been practicing Taijichuan for over 15 years. Welcome to my community dedicated to the beautiful art of Taijichuan (also called Tai Chi).

Starting with the consciousness movement of the 20th century and with the recent popularization of yoga in the west the idea of a mind-body connection has steadily become more mainstream for the average westerner and practices that embody and give avenues for actualizing these philosophies are being sought out.

In this past millenium born from the ancient foundation of Chinese culture came a new meditative practice expressed through a martial art, forged in secluded mountains by relgious hermits, passed down through select familys for hundreds of years, to the recent explosion and world wide popularity

With the rise of MMA and videos on the interwebs exposing fake masters Taijichuan and Qi practices have lost credibility in the mind of the public, and rightfully so. Unscrupulous grifters use peoples naivete to capitalize monetarily but more often to gain prestige for their massive egos. They discredit and make a mockery of the science and art of Taijichuan, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other Qi cultivating practices.

As a result, here in the west Tai Chi is shrouded in mystery and doubt as is the philisophy/religion that birth this martial art, Taoism. My goal is to bring light to these practices and to ground them in the scientfic method and make them understandable to the people of the west.

I DO NOT want your loyalty. I AM NOT anything other than an interseted human on a journey to learn the truth about myself, my mind, and my body and there connection so that I can live my best life.

My goal is to get you orieneted so that you can go on your own journey. I want you to grow with me and past me. I want to teach you to fish so that you can discover the truth about yourself. I may only know very little, but I am willing to share what I have learned with you. I will always be honest about the limits of my knowledge and I am forever open and curious about the myriad ways of the world. I am still lerning new things about Tai Chi to this very day

In Taoism there is a saying: There are 79 million ways to the Tao. Which is to say there are infinte ways for the world and the univerese and beyond to express itself and they are all correct in there own right (unless there not, haha) and Taijichuan is just one of them,

Lastly, there is the stigma that Taijichuan is just somethin old people do in the park (which is very true) but the Taiji community is very rich and has much to offer the west and people of all ages.

My only advice: Keep an open mind. Sign up to suck. These practices take a hot minute to understand, but what the hell else are we doing in this lifetime, and possibly, and probably, the next million lifetimes?

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  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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